UniShred Pro

Disk Declassification


Los Altos Technologies developed the UniShred Pro software product for one purpose - SCSI disk declassification. Our goal was to provide the best available technology for disk declassification, implemented with a level of thoroughness and attention to detail appropriate for the disposal of classified information. UniShred Pro offers superior, non-destructive SCSI disk overwriting for Sun, HP, IBM, and SGI systems.

UniShred Pro is listed on both the Air Force and Navy Assessed Products Lists and is approved for use by the Defense Investigative Service (DIS).

The UniShred Pro package contains two separate programs: ScrubProtm, which overwrites all accessible data; and Shredtm, which securely deletes one or more files or directories.

ScrubPro Feature Overview

Error-Proof, Pre-defined Standard Procedures: ScrubPro implements all five major disk overwriting procedures:. DOD 5200.28, AFSSI 5020, OPNAV 5510, NCSC-TG-025, and AR 380_19. ScrubPro automatically carries out the procedure you select and notifies you if an error is detected that prevents successful overwriting under that procedure. ScrubPro produces an audit report for each successful disk overwrite showing the specific pass results.

ScrubPro overwrites all addressable blocks on the disk. This includes all active data files, deleted data files, file directories, disk allocation tables, the boot area, the disk label, and unallocated portions of the disk.

Complete Automatic Verification: For every overwrite of data to the disk, ScrubPro performs a write- read-verify operation to detect memory and disk bus parity errors that could prevent successful overwriting. The automatic verification ensures that all overwrites were completed successfully.

Low Level Media Examination: After scrubbing a hard disk, you can directly examine the disk for a detailed auditing of the disk contents. This allows you personally to verify disk declassification.

Automatic Audit Reports: ScrubPro produces an audit report that you can use to document disk overwrites. This report can be printed and saved as a permanent written record of each disk overwrite procedure.

Custom Multiple Pass Overwriting: If the pre- defined standard overwriting patterns do not meet your needs, ScrubPro allows you to specify your own custom overwriting passes to perform on a disk. For each pass, you can specify a specific overwrite pattern to use or ScrubPro can generate random overwrite patterns.

Ability to Scrub Single Disk Systems: Even if your system has only one disk, ScrubPro is able to scrub that entire disk. This can be done using a memory resident version of UNIX and loading ScrubPro into that environment.

Shred Feature Overview

Overwrites Data Files: Shred is a super-set of the UNIX rm command, and may be used as a direct replacement for it. Shred contains functionality that goes beyond the rm command. Shred overwrites data files; whereas the rm command simply removes the file pointer in the disk directory and leaves the data on the disk.

Recursive Operation: Shred can recursively overwrite files in subdirectories below a directory.

Multiple Pass Overwriting: Shred allows you to configure the number of overwriting passes and the overwrite pattern to use on shredded files. As is the case for ScrubPro, five standard overwriting procedures are included in the command line interface for Shred.

Risk Free Purchase

UniShred Pro comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Visa and MasterCard orders accepted.

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Los Altos Technologies, Inc.
20813 Stevens Creek Blvd. -Suite 275
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone (408)973-7700
Fax (408)973-7707
Email info@lat.com

Armor, Fortress, TermServ and UniShred Pro are trademarks of Los Altos Technologies, Inc.